If you are currently working with one of our Sales Representatives or Regional
Managers, they can provide you with a customized proposal for your school,
district, state,
or LEA. If you are currently not working with one of our representatives, we would be happy to
provide you with a price proposal to meet your needs. Subscriptions to EI’s courses and content can
be purchased under the following licensing arrangements:
Most school systems purchase EI courses/content based on the terms of our Unlimited Enterprise License agreement. We generally price our Enterprise Licenses based on the number of schools in your system. Our Enterprise License includes access to our full menu of over 220 online courses, our full video library that includes over 7000 individual URLs, and all our learning platform tools which help users locate content that is aligned to various standards…basically everything we have. Our Unlimited Enterprise License allows you to provide individual access to every teacher, administrator, paraprofessional, and non-instructional staff member in your school system. An Unlimited Enterprise License also provides you with immediate access to any new courses or content added to the EI Online Academy during the term of the licensing agreement.
Some of our customers begin their journey with EI by subscribing to a subset of our courses or content. We refer to these as “course bundles”. Our course bundles include our Trauma series, Danielson series, Special Education series, New Teacher series, and SEL series. We can also create a customized bundle of 15 courses from our catalog, or 30 courses in a double bundle. We generally price Course Bundle Licenses based on the number of schools in your district.
An Unlimited Enterprise License is the most cost-effective way to purchase a subscription to EI courses/content/tools. However, EI does offer a single school site license for both the full EI Online Academy and Course Bundles.
Our school leadership courses are included in an Unlimited Enterprise / Single School License to the Full EI Online Academy. In addition, stand-alone access to school leadership courses and/or the 360-degree school leadership assessment can also be purchased by school districts or other LEA groups. Pricing for these licenses is based on the number of school leaders, or aspiring school leaders in your district or LEA group.
All EI’s courses, content and tools are housed on EI’s proprietary platform. No additional learning management system or other software is required to access the courses, content, or tools. However, over the last two decades EI’s courses and video library have been seamlessly integrated with many of today’s popular learning management systems to create enhanced capabilities and joint single sign on applications. EI’s technology engineers have completed numerous customized content integrations using a variety of protocols. If integration is required, additional charges may or may not apply based on the scope of the work involved.
Occasionally there are special circumstances where districts or schools have dedicated budgets, grants, or other funding and timing constraints. We are happy to listen to your unique circumstances and try to provide you with a customized proposal that meets your needs. A special pricing proposal will also be necessary if your school system would like EI to create and film a new customized course(s) for the specific needs of your school system.
EI’s platform and online courses are so intuitive, face-to-face professional consultation or training are not typically required. However, with over two decades of experience, our implementation experts will consult with you to tailor a “roll out” plan specifically for your school system. Typically, there is no additional charge for phone or zoom consultations. If a customer is interested in EI leading an on-site “kick off” session, or training for special circumstances, EI is happy to provide you with a quote for any added services.
To pass on the lowest possible price to our customers, it requires us to sell our course and content in bulk subscriptions. Therefore, in the K-12 market we do not sell individual subscriptions to our courses, video library, or online tools…only to schools, districts, or states. If you are interested in our courses, we encourage you to talk to your school representatives about EI and pass on our information. Or send us their name and contact information and we will reach out to them directly.
Subscriptions are typically sold on a one or three-year term. Discounts may be available for a three-year contract term. We typically invoice our customers annually for the subscription fee when access to the courses/content is made available to the customer.